Thursday, February 26, 2009

The red outfit at 10 months

Piper is constantly on the go now. Here I am chasing her for the red outfit pictures.

Here I am! Getting ready to walk...

Now I'm at the bookshelf. Look, I can reach the 3rd shelf now...

Here I go...see ya later.

Heading to the kitchen. Eat my dust Kaizer.

Oh wait, pit stop. I see my blankie hanging out of the crib.

I found the toilet paper.

Here I go again...

Now I like to play underneath my jumper.

Hmmm...what does that say? Charmin?

I love you. See you soon...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Piper updates

Piper just recently had her 9 month check-up.  She is 28 1/2 inches tall and 21 lbs.  She is a healthy and happy little baby.  She is starting to stand without support for a few moments before plopping down on her bottom.  She waves bye-bye and just starting clapping.  Here are some recent pictures from our weekends together.

Playing with daddy

That darn flash got me again!

We know, we know...we have to hide the electrical cords!

Piper's first swing ride at the park.  She wasn't quite sure what to think.

Are there commercials in my future?

Such an adorable little face