Sunday, December 12, 2010

Some random photos

An ice cream treat after Piper's first poop in the potty a few days after we started potty training. She hasn't got one in since, but we will get there soon!

Packers/Vikings game. Piper is sharing her blankie with Bella, Mike and Bindu's dog.

Sweet Bella

Reading with Bindu

Happy guests and happy dogs

Piper wearing daddy's Green Bay hat

Snuggle buddies

This is what you get after taking out two of Syble's tight braids. I could not stop laughing at Piper when I looked at her and I think you can tell by her expression that she is no longer amused. This looks eerily close to my (Sarah's) 3rd or 4th grade school picture back in the 80's.

Thanksgiving morning. Piper almost didn't give up the new "baby bed" to actually cook the turkey.

Pregnancy pillows aren't just for pregnant ladies at our house.

Piper loves to sit in her "nest" when she's on our bed.

I'm 27 weeks and counting. We will get some good belly pictures up soon. Happy Holidays!