Friday, October 30, 2009

Miss Piper Jane

Piper recently had her 18-month check-up. She is super healthy and doing great developmentally. She weighs 26 lbs. and is 35" long. She grew 3" in 3 months! She is saying close to 75 words (which is a lot) so the doctor warned us that she might start throwing tantrums earlier than other kids -- awesome! She is a really happy, exhaustingly active, terribly sweet, very beautiful, amazingly creative, full of life kid.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pizza! Pizza!

Piper enjoyed some pizza this past weekend. She is a bottomless pit these days...maybe a growth spurt? Besides mommy taking a few bites, she pretty much downed this whole New York slice (except for the tough crust).

Pizza just wouldn't be the same without sparkle shoes on!